Monday, April 16, 2012

Anchor You Down

 Anchor to my heart: Symbolism of hope, security, stability, foundational safety, and strong bond. 
 If you don't have the one best friend that anchors you down, you should. The anchor is more than a symbol for us, it is a connection of a lifelong friendship. One that no matter where in the world she is, she still is a part of me. A part that only few know of. She knows everything about me. How I feel, my secrets, the worst of me, and the best. She is several miles away and regardless, she remains only a phone call away.
She's my number one best friend. Always.
My best friend was my maid-of-honor and she hand-wrote a speech that brought me to tears on my wedding day. It was a mixture that I was a bride, that it was the most special day of my life, and that my best friend was reading the world her approval and giving me her blessing:

Her letter read-
Good evening! For those of you who don't know me, I am Morgan, the very proud bestest friend of our stunning bride. I would like to start by congratulating the bride and groom thanking all of you that could be here on their magical day.
Tristen is a true romantic and has been on a search for that special somebody since I can remember. I am so happy for the both of you. I know that Tristen has found her perfect match and I know your marriage will last for decades to come.
I would love to start by cracking jokes about the groom but the truth is I can't because I never knew Alex before he dated Tristen. I can tell you that I think he is a wonderful man and makes Tristen the happiest I have ever seen her.
Tristen, I would also like to tell you how beautiful you look today, and that this has truly been a special day for me. Thank you for giving me the true meaning of the word best friend and for letting me share this opportunity with you.
No matter how far the military takes me away from Tristen, I know that I will always have her there. Every-time I come home it is just like I never left...we simply pick up where we left off and laugh so hard it hurts. I love to share a lot more funny and embarrassing stories about her, but because this is her special day, I will let her off easy.
I'd also like to share some words of advice....Googled of course. But I figured they were fitting for the newlyweds.
Whenever you are wrong, admit it.
Whenever you are rightm be quiet.
And Alex, always remember a happy wife makes for a happy life.
My wishes for Alex and Tristen are that they have a long, happy marriage. I wish you both the best and Alex, as long as you treat her like a princess it'll be the very best.
Please raise your glasses while I toast my best friend and her husband.
Take each day and cherish your time together.
So here's to love, laughter, happily ever after.

My reaction.
I cried like a big ole baby.
I am so thankful for her.

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