Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Imagination of a Toddler.

‘Every child is born a genius.’
-Albert Einstein

‘Every child is an artist. The problem is to remain an artist once he grows up.’
-Pablo Picasso


Well I finally made an appointment for my little boy's 2nd year checkup for August 31st!
Time sure is a-flying!
He weighted in at 22 lbs at 18 months so it will be nice to see what percentile he is in considering he is usually "underweight and tall."
I feel he will be shorter than usual thought because he doesn't seem (to me) like he has grown very much.
He is a lanky little fellow but so so precious, of course.
He is in a size four diaper
He has smaller feet too. He is in a size 5.5 shoe right now! <3

We also found him a perfect Dentist that is only a five minute drive from our apartment, now that we figured out an insurance situation. About time. I DO realize he was suppose to see a dentist almost a year ago but I guess we all do the best we can? How frustrating.

Well in less than a month (August 29th) our little toddler will be celebrating his second birthday!

Monday, July 30, 2012

A New Month

It is so insane to believe that the month of July is already over.
I am now 23 years old, a year older can be depressing.
Eli has been pacifier free for a month now (which was a big step to our little man's life.)
And we have almost gotten Alex through his two summer classes! He is a week and a half shy of being finished, finally.
This upcoming month is going to be amazing and stressful. We have had the stress of low income and trying to gather money to pay the bills and I have been selling old belongings on the side just to get some money to buy Eli some presents left and right.
In 29 days my sweet little boy will be 2 years old. He really is growing to be quite the little man, and like most toddlers...he is teething like crazy, very active, a handful, and wise beyond his own years.
He is picking up new small phrases left and right now-a-days and seems to be so intelligent!

Also I didn't mention, but in just a couple of days will already be the celebration of my husband and I's first anniversary! We will finally be celebrating the first year of our awesome, amazing marriage. I have loved this new life and change of the last name. Mrs. Tristen Adkins.
SO MANY things to be looking forward to, I almost cannot wait either!

August has a lot in store for my little family.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Baby Names.

I am getting baby fever. I am not sure if I am starting to feel old, if it is because I have so many people that had children around Eli's ago and they have already had even a second child? It is something though. I want another little one so so bad. Part of me would feel so selfish because I love Eli so so much and enjoy all his company and lovins and would hate to split up all the time I get to put into him. It shows too because he is so talkative and can identify so much for his age. But in the mean time I am going to share all the baby names I have set aside for if our second child is a boy or girl...whenever he or she may come along in the future. Hopefully sooner than later! :)

Finnagan (Finn for short)
Shiloh (boy or girl <3)

Ella Kate
Meila (Meela)

I just need to go ahead and graduate from college and get into teaching art first...this has been my life-long dream! Once it is accomplished I hope we can buy a home and plan for a second, beautiful little child! <3

But in the mean time I am going to keep spoiling my Eli with presence and presents and much love!

-I love being a mommy so so much!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

I had to share this.

Proof of aging and proof time flies by faster than it should.

“I would have given anything to keep her little. They outgrow us so much faster than we outgrow them."

The Underestimation of Denial (Song Lyrics)

Yes, it is a song from Dance Moms Miami. (and) YES I heard this song for the first time from Lucas' dance but I loved the lyrics and the song as a whole. They sound a little bit like Brand New to me. And here are the lyrics:

Lyrics for The Underestimation of Denial by The Nick Tree Band

It’s been snowing again,
that familiar sting,
when our lips fray like string.
At least the city looks clean,
but this quilt, nature made
dissipates to display
all the sins that we prayed
would never see the surface.

Once something dies
you cannot bring it back with lust, back to life.
So I keep our love locked in these words,
bound by lies, mistrust and the underestimation of denial.

The frozen sun lays so low,
its just a cigarette glow.
Slowly burns the skies pink.
Its too ice glazed to sink,
but I do anyway, in some drunk masquerade.
All my friends whisper sshhh, leave him he’ll be ok.

A Little Momentum

Taking a moment out of my very busy cleaning day to write this down. I found a card today from my grandpa that was the very last one I ever received from him. It was one of those cards you hold on to because you know that one day you will need to re-read what it said and take in the full meaning to it. When I find small treasures like these, I love rediscovering them. It sends a feeling all over my body as if my grandpa wanted my to find it or that he knew I needed to read it. So here is why I am posting this. I am going to write down in this post, word for word what it says. <3

Just a Little Note...
for You to Keep
Though I can't always be there with you, these words can be.
So I want you to save this in a special place and,
every now and then,
think of me...
 (open card)

(Left side reads...)
I want you to set this card aside and remember it when you're feeling wonderful,
so you can remind yourself that that's how you make me feel.

I want you to set this aside and save it for the days when things haven't necessarily gone as planned,
and the clouds are hanging around a little longer than the should.
And maybe it will help to cheer you up.

When you get home in the days to come and see this card
sitting on your dresser or your shelf,
remember that I'm probably sitting here,
as I usually do, smiling to think
of all the wonder things about you.

     -A. Rodgers

(Then it says:)

Love, Grandpa Ralph

R.I.P. Papa Ralph, I miss you daily and think of you often, big man! xoxo
Wish you could have met Eli. You would have been so proud.

Sunday, May 27, 2012


Tonight as I was cleaning and vacuuming the house, Alex spent a lot of quality father/son time and I was able to capture some sweet pictures of their little garage band drum session! My heart is going to explode for all the love I have for those two!

Monday, May 21, 2012

A Grudge.

It pisses me off that certain people in my life used to be there all the time (family) and would keep Eli when I needed them too and would offer to even when I didn't ask and now they don't even know who their grandson is or how much he has changed. In the bitterness of their jealousy, they shouldn't be punishing theirselves by not keeping him. In all honestly it has gotten to the point where they are most certainly bothering me but I have to keep telling myself they are the ones that are missing out. Eli is going to forget faces after a while and who's problem does that become? You text me now only when I need something and I do you the same. It's frustrating. I get tired of texting to no response constantly and checking on you for no reason because you can't type back. I'm about to be over it and over you.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Be brave to like the Braves.

Suddenly my husband has fell back in love with a baseball team he envied as a child. He has watched every game, every night, on television. He's a Braves fan...MBL Atlanta Braves is his team now and there is no way around it that he is going to get our son into the same sports and same teams he likes.
As most of you know, we were able to go on our makeup-honeymoon and we had the time of our lives. I think both of us though, as parents felt regretful leaving out little monster behind. We kept seeing so many things that made us think of our Eli. While we were there we spent more money on Eli than on ourselves combined. That's what happens when you...
1. Miss your child and
2. Spoil your kiddo non-stop

Some of the stuff we got him was a pack of three Atlanta Braves onsies that SOMEONE picked out. (Hint: not I!) The hubby had to have them. The hubby also bought himself a Braves shirt and hat.
So here...I now want to share some sweetness of our future ball player.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Round Two.

This blog is dedicated to the life of being a mommy, a parent, and all about my son....but here again, I am taking time to write a blog about myself and another "personal problem" I am having.
This upcoming weekend I was going to get to go to Atlanta with my fellow future Art Education students from Austin Peay. We were going to leave early Saturday and go to the High Museum and go see some art, stay the night at the Art Ed. teachers momma and then come back Sunday. This trip was going to be the mommy weekend I have been waiting for, for a while. Just one night away, doing what I loved.....seeing art.
(I love anything art related by the way.....teaching art, looking at art, making art, learning new art mediums, ect.) So this weekend was going to be so fun, and a stress reliever.....and here we are.
Round two.
Look like another trip is taking away from me.
(As if our honeymoon wasn't enough...)
and so it turns out my mom forgot she had to keep Eli AND she is having to move, her excuse is legit though because she finally got her a piece of property and she has about a week left to get everything done and with her working, she needs to take this weekend to advantage and get everything done that she needs to do. I get this. It is just so frustrating....
where my story comes to place is when I say this:
I asked Alex if he would keep Eli this weekend.
My mom needs his help, and I understand this too....but why on earth do I always get the same response? He said he was looking forward to having a weekend, alone.
(As in "baby free.")
Plus the income news, we really don't have the money for me to get to do anything.
So what will I get to do this weekend while everyone is going to get to go see an awesome exhibit that I could only dream of?
Sitting at home....with my kiddo that I love dearly....finishing up on homework, stressing, and not getting to have any relaxation what so ever. Awesome.

I am in some major NEED of just one night to get away. Shew.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


You know what ticks me off?
People trying to dress my kid and give him THEIR style.
First off, I am his mother.
I carried him for nine months and gave birth to him.
If anything I will choose his style until he is old enough to dress himself...
(around three or so.)
And people who try to influence his style really pees me off.
He is cute, dressed the way I choose.
I dress him in plaids, polos, stylish graphic tees, Kentucky merch, skateboarding brands, and nice/modern jeans.
Excuse me for not wanting my kid to wear overalls, camouflage, and look like a "little redneck."
It isn't happening.

It makes me so angry. Just because that's what you think he would look cute in...does not mean he will wear it, ever. Ugh!
If I am old enough to have a child, raise a child, and take care of a child, I am old enough to dress him too.

Regardless of other peoples' opinions....from my own concerns and my own thoughts of Eli's little style...
he is classy, handsome, well-dressed, and has his own baby "swag!"
^The little girl in one of these pictures even thought so.

So to all the people wanting my child to be a redneck wannabee...or hick....or cowboy...
SUCK IT! haha.